AB945,45,15 9(10) Payment of photocopy costs in cases involving indigent respondents.
10When the state public defender or a private attorney appointed under s. 977.08
11requests photocopies of any item that is discoverable under this section, the state
12public defender shall pay any fee charged for the photocopies from the appropriation
13under s. 20.550 (1) (a). If the person providing photocopies under this section charges
14the state public defender a fee for the photocopies, the fee may not exceed the actual,
15necessary, and direct cost of photocopying.
AB945,45,18 16(11) Exclusive method of discovery. Chapter 804 does not apply to
17proceedings under this chapter. This section provides the only methods of obtaining
18discovery and inspection in proceedings under this chapter.
AB945, s. 93 19Section 93. 980.038 of the statutes is created to read:
AB945,46,2 20980.038 Miscellaneous procedural provisions. (1) Motions challenging
21jurisdiction or competency of court or timeliness of petition.
(a) A motion
22challenging the jurisdiction or competency of the court or the timeliness of a petition
23filed under s. 980.02 shall be filed within 10 days after the court holds the probable
24cause hearing under s. 980.04 (2). Failure to file a motion within the time specified

1in this paragraph waives the right to challenge the jurisdiction or competency of the
2court or the timeliness of a petition filed under s. 980.02.
AB945,46,73 (b) Notwithstanding s. 801.11, a court may exercise personal jurisdiction over
4a person who is the subject of a petition filed under s. 980.02 even though the person
5is not served as provided under s. 801.11 (1) or (2) with a verified petition and
6summons or with an order for detention under s. 980.04 (1) and the person has not
7had a probable cause hearing under s. 980.04 (2).
AB945,46,14 8(2) Evidence of refusal to participate in examination. (a) At any hearing
9under this chapter, the state may present evidence or comment on evidence that a
10person who is the subject of a petition filed under s. 980.02 or a person who has been
11committed under this chapter refused to participate in an examination of his or her
12mental condition that was being conducted under this chapter or that was conducted
13before the petition under s. 980.02 was filed for the purpose of evaluating whether
14to file a petition.
AB945,46,1815 (b) A licensed physician, licensed psychologist, or other mental health
16professional may indicate in any written report that he or she prepares in connection
17with a proceeding under this chapter that the person whom he or she examined
18refused to participate in the examination.
AB945,47,4 19(3) Testimony by telephone or live audiovisual means. Unless good cause to
20the contrary is shown, proceedings under ss. 980.04 (2) (a) and 980.08 (5) (d) may be
21conducted by telephone or audiovisual means, if available. If the proceedings are
22required to be reported under SCR 71.02 (2), the proceedings shall be reported by a
23court reporter who is in simultaneous voice communication with all parties to the
24proceeding. Regardless of the physical location of any party to the telephone call, any
25action taken by the court or any party shall have the same effect as if made in open

1court. The proceedings shall be conducted in a courtroom or other place reasonably
2accessible to the public. Simultaneous access to the proceeding shall be provided to
3persons entitled to attend by means of a loudspeaker or, upon request to the court,
4by making a person party to the telephone call without charge.
AB945,47,14 5(4) Motions for postcommitment relief; appeal. (a) A motion for
6postcommitment relief by a person committed under s. 980.06 shall be made in the
7time and manner provided in ss. 809.30 and 809.40. An appeal by a person who has
8been committed under s. 980.06 from a final order under s. 980.06, 980.08, or 980.09
9or from an order denying a motion for postcommitment relief or from both shall be
10taken in the time and manner provided in ss. 808.04 (3), 809.30, and 809.40. If a
11person is seeking relief from an order of commitment under s. 980.06, the person
12shall file a motion for postcommitment relief in the trial court prior to an appeal
13unless the grounds for seeking relief are sufficiency of the evidence or issues
14previously raised.
AB945,47,1715 (b) An appeal by the state from a final judgment or order under this chapter
16may be taken to the court of appeals within the time specified in s. 808.04 (4) and in
17the manner provided for civil appeals under chs. 808 and 809.
AB945,47,24 18(5) Failure to comply with time limits; effect. Failure to comply with any time
19limit specified in this chapter does not deprive the circuit court of personal or subject
20matter jurisdiction or of competency to exercise that jurisdiction. Failure to comply
21with any time limit specified in this chapter is not grounds for an appeal or grounds
22to vacate any order, judgment, or commitment issued or entered under this chapter.
23Failure to object to a period of delay or a continuance waives the time limit that is
24the subject of the period of delay or continuance.
1(6) Errors and defects not affecting substantial rights. The court shall, in
2every stage of a proceeding under this chapter, disregard any error or defect in the
3pleadings or proceedings that does not affect the substantial rights of either party.
AB945, s. 94 4Section 94. 980.04 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB945,48,185 980.04 (1) Upon the filing of a petition under s. 980.02, the court shall review
6the petition to determine whether to issue an order for detention of the person who
7is the subject of the petition. The person shall be detained only if there is probable
8cause to believe that the person is eligible for commitment under s. 980.05 (5). A
9person detained under this subsection shall be held in a facility approved by the
10department. If the person is serving a sentence of imprisonment, is in a secured
11correctional facility, as defined in s. 938.02 (15m), a secured child caring institution,
12as defined in s. 938.02 (15g), or a secured group home, as defined in s. 938.02 (15p),
13or is committed to institutional care, and the court orders detention under this
14subsection, the court shall order that the person be transferred to a detention facility
15approved by the department. A detention order under this subsection remains in
16effect until the person is discharged petition is dismissed after a hearing under sub.
17(3) or
after a trial under s. 980.05 (5) or until the effective date of a commitment order
18under s. 980.06, whichever is applicable.
AB945, s. 95 19Section 95. 980.04 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 980.04 (2) (a) and
20amended to read:
AB945,49,521 980.04 (2) (a) Whenever a petition is filed under s. 980.02, the court shall hold
22a hearing to determine whether there is probable cause to believe that the person
23named in the petition is a sexually violent person. If the person named in the petition
24is in custody, the court shall hold the probable cause hearing within 72 hours after
25the petition is filed, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. If the person

1named in the petition is not in custody, the
Except as provided in par. (b), the court
2shall hold the probable cause hearing within a reasonable time 30 days, excluding
3Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays,
after the filing of the petition, unless that
4time is extended by the court for good cause shown upon its own motion, the motion
5of any party, or the stipulation of the parties
AB945, s. 96 6Section 96. 980.04 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB945,49,147 980.04 (2) (b) If the person named in the petition is in custody under a sentence,
8dispositional order, or commitment and the probable cause hearing will be held after
9the date on which the person is scheduled to be released or discharged from the
10sentence, dispositional order, or commitment, the probable cause hearing under par.
11(a) shall be held no later than 10 days after the person's scheduled release or
12discharge date, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, unless that time
13is extended by the court for good cause shown upon its own motion, the motion of any
14party, or the stipulation of the parties.
AB945, s. 97 15Section 97. 980.04 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB945,49,2316 980.04 (3) If the court determines after a hearing that there is probable cause
17to believe that the person named in the petition is a sexually violent person, the court
18shall order that the person be taken into custody if he or she is not in custody and
19shall order the person to be transferred within a reasonable time to an appropriate
20facility specified by the department for an evaluation by the department as to
21whether the person is a sexually violent person. If the court determines that
22probable cause does not exist to believe that the person is a sexually violent person,
23the court shall dismiss the petition.
AB945, s. 98 24Section 98. 980.05 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
1980.05 (1) A trial to determine whether the person who is the subject of a
2petition under s. 980.02 is a sexually violent person shall commence no later than 45
390 days after the date of the probable cause hearing under s. 980.04. The court may
4grant a continuance one or more continuances of the trial date for good cause upon
5its own motion, the motion of any party or the stipulation of the parties.
AB945, s. 99 6Section 99. 980.05 (1m) of the statutes is repealed.
AB945, s. 100 7Section 100. 980.05 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB945,50,148 980.05 (2m) (a) At a jury trial under this section, juries shall be selected and
9treated in the same manner as they are selected and treated in civil actions in circuit
10court, except that, notwithstanding s. 805.08 (3), each party shall be entitled to 4
11peremptory challenges or, if the court orders additional jurors to be selected under
12s. 805.08 (2), to 5 peremptory challenges. A party may waive in advance any or all
13of its peremptory challenges and the number of jurors called under par. (b) shall be
14reduced by this number.
AB945,50,2215 (b) The number of jurors selected shall be the number prescribed in sub. (2),
16unless a lesser number has been stipulated to and approved under par. (c) or the court
17orders that additional jurors be selected. That number of jurors, plus the number
18of peremptory challenges available to all of the parties, shall be called initially and
19maintained in the jury box by calling others to replace jurors excused for cause until
20all jurors have been examined. The parties shall thereupon exercise in their order,
21the state beginning, the peremptory challenges available to them, and if any party
22declines to challenge, the challenge shall be made by the clerk by lot.
AB945,51,223 (c) At any time before the verdict in a jury trial under this section, the parties
24may stipulate in writing or by statement in open court, on the record, with the

1approval of the court, that the jury shall consist of any number less than the number
2prescribed in sub. (2).
AB945, s. 101 3Section 101. 980.05 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB945,51,64 980.05 (3) (a) At a trial on a petition under this chapter, the petitioner has the
5burden of proving the allegations in the petition beyond a reasonable doubt that the
6person who is the subject of the petition is a sexually violent person
AB945, s. 102 7Section 102. 980.05 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB945,51,118 980.05 (3) (b) If the state alleges that the sexually violent offense or act that
9forms the basis for the petition was an act that was sexually motivated as provided
10in s. 980.01 (6) (b) or (bm), the state is required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt
11that the alleged sexually violent act was sexually motivated.
AB945, s. 103 12Section 103. 980.065 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB945,51,1613 980.065 (1m) The department shall place a person committed under s. 980.06
14at the secure mental health facility established under s. 46.055 (1), the Wisconsin
15resource center established under s. 46.056 or a secure mental health unit or facility
16provided by the department of corrections under sub. (2).
AB945, s. 104 17Section 104. 980.07 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 980.07 (1) (intro.) and
18amended to read:
AB945,52,219 980.07 (1) (intro.) If a person has been committed under s. 980.06 and has not
20been discharged under s. 980.09, the department shall conduct an examination of his
21or her mental condition within 6 18 months after an the date of the initial
22commitment order under s. 980.06 and again thereafter at least once each 12 months
23for the purpose of determining to determine whether the person has made sufficient
24progress for the court to consider whether the person should be placed on supervised
25release or discharged. At the time of a reexamination under this section, the person

1who has been committed may retain or seek to have the court appoint an any of the
AB945,52,5 3(a) An examiner as provided under s. 980.03 (4) 980.031 (3). The county shall
4pay the costs of an examiner appointed under this paragraph as provided under s.
551.20 (18) (a)
AB945, s. 105 6Section 105. 980.07 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB945,52,77 980.07 (1) (b) An attorney as provided under s. 980.03 (2) (a).
AB945, s. 106 8Section 106. 980.07 (1g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB945,52,129 980.07 (1g) Any examiners under this section shall have reasonable access to
10the person for purposes of examination and to the person's past and present
11treatment records, as defined in s. 51.30 (1) (b), and patient health care records, as
12provided under s. 146.82 (2) (c).
AB945, s. 107 13Section 107. 980.07 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB945,52,1914 980.07 (1m) At the time for any examination under sub. (1), the department
15shall prepare a treatment report based on its treating professionals' evaluation of the
16person's progress in treatment and of whether that progress has been sufficient and
17their description of the type of treatment that the person would need in the
18community if supervised release were ordered. The department shall provide a copy
19of this report to any examiner conducting an examination under sub. (1).
AB945, s. 108 20Section 108. 980.07 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB945,53,1121 980.07 (2) Any examiner conducting an examination under this section sub. (1)
22shall prepare a written report of the examination no later than 30 days after the date
23of the examination. The examiner shall place a copy of the report in the person's
24medical records and shall provide a copy of the report to the department. The report
25shall include an assessment of the risk that the person will reoffend, whether the risk

1can be safely managed in the community if reasonable conditions of supervision and
2security are imposed, and whether the treatment that the person needs is available
3in the community. The department shall then send the treatment report, the written
4examination report, and a written statement from the department recommending
5either continued institutional care, supervised release, or discharge
to the court that
6committed the person under s. 980.06. A copy of each report and the department's
7recommendation shall be provided also to the district attorney or department of
8justice, whichever is applicable, and to the person's attorney as soon as he or she is
9retained or appointed. If the department's examiner concludes that the person does
10not meet the criteria for commitment as a sexually violent person, the department
11shall petition for discharge in accordance with the provisions of s. 980.09 (1).
AB945, s. 109 12Section 109. 980.07 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB945,53,1613 980.07 (3) Notwithstanding sub. (1), the court that committed a person under
14s. 980.06 may order a reexamination of the person at any time during the period in
15which the person is subject to the commitment order. Any report ordered under this
16subsection shall conform to subs. (1m) and (2).
AB945, s. 110 17Section 110. 980.07 (4) to (7) of the statutes are created to read:
AB945,53,2218 980.07 (4) Within 30 days after the filing of the reexamination report,
19treatment report, and recommendation under this section, the person subject to the
20commitment, the district attorney, or the department of justice, whichever is
21applicable, may object to the department's recommendation under sub. (2) by filing
22a written objection with the court.
AB945,54,3 23(5) (a) If the person files a timely objection without counsel, the court shall
24serve a copy of the objection and any supporting documents on the district attorney
25or department of justice, whichever is applicable. If the person objects through

1counsel, his or her attorney shall serve the district attorney or department of justice,
2whichever is applicable. If the district attorney or department of justice objects, it
3shall serve the person or his or her counsel.
AB945,54,64 (b) If the person filing an objection is requesting discharge, the court shall not
5proceed under sub. (7). The court may proceed under s. 980.093 if the person files
6a petition under that section.
AB945,54,8 7(6) The district attorney or department of justice, whichever is applicable, may
8employ experts or professional persons to support or oppose any recommendation.
AB945,54,13 9(6m) Subject to s. 980.03 (2) (a), the court, before proceeding under sub. (7),
10shall refer the matter to the authority for indigency determinations under s. 977.07
11(1) and appointment of counsel under s. 977.05 (4) (j) if the person is not represented
12by counsel. The determination of indigency and the appointment of counsel shall be
13done as soon as circumstances permit.
AB945,54,19 14(7) (a) Unless the department recommends continued institutional care and no
15party files a timely objection, the court, without a jury, shall hold a hearing to
16determine whether to authorize supervised release within 30 days after the date on
17which objections are due under sub. (4), unless the petitioner waives this time limit.
18Expenses of proceedings under this subsection shall be paid as provided under s.
1951.20 (18) (b), (c), and (d).
AB945,54,2220 (am) If the department chooses to appear and be heard at any hearing under
21this subsection, the department shall be represented at the hearing by its agency
AB945,55,723 (b) The court shall determine from all of the evidence whether to continue
24instrumental care and, if not, what the appropriate placement would be for the
25person while on supervised release. In making a decision under this subsection, the

1court may consider, without limitation because of enumeration, the nature and
2circumstances of the behavior that was the basis of the allegation in the petition
3under s. 980.02 (2) (a), the person's mental history and present mental condition, the
4person's progress or lack of progress in treatment, and, if the court were to authorize
5supervised release, where the person would live, how the person would support
6himself or herself, and what arrangements would be available to ensure that the
7person would have access to and would participate in necessary treatment.
AB945,55,148 (bm) Unless the court determines that par. (d) 1. does not apply, the court shall
9select a county to prepare a report under par. (c). Unless the court has good cause
10to select another county, the court shall select the person's county of residence. A
11preliminary decision by the court under this paragraph or under par. (cm) to refer
12a case to a county department or the court's failure to make such a decision shall not
13affect the court's power to authorize or not authorize supervised release under this
AB945,55,2315 (c) Unless the court determines that par. (d) 1. does not apply, the court shall
16order the county department under s. 51.42 in the county of intended placement to
17prepare a report, either independently or with the department of health and family
18services, identifying prospective residential options for community placement. In
19identifying prospective residential options, the county department shall consider the
20proximity of any potential placement to the residence of other persons on supervised
21release and to the residence of persons who are in the custody of the department of
22corrections and regarding whom a sex offender notification bulletin has been issued
23to law enforcement agencies under s. 301.46 (2m) (a) or (am).
1(cm) If the court determines that the prospective residential options identified
2in the report under par. (c) are inadequate, the court may, but is not required to, select
3one or more other counties to prepare a report under par. (c).
AB945,56,64 (d) The court may not order that a person be placed on supervised release
5unless it finds, based on all of the reports, trial records, and evidence presented, that
6all of the following apply:
AB945,56,97 1. The person who will be placed on supervised release has made sufficient
8progress in treatment such that the risk that the person will reoffend can be safely
9managed in the community.
AB945,56,1110 2. The person who will be placed on supervised release will be treated by a
11provider who is qualified to provide the necessary treatment in this state.
AB945,56,1812 3. The provider presents a specific course of treatment for the person who will
13be placed on supervised release, agrees to assume responsibility for the person's
14treatment, agrees to comply with the rules and conditions of supervision imposed by
15the court and the department, agrees to report on the person's progress to the court
16on a regular basis, and agrees to report any violations of supervised release
17immediately to the court the department of justice or the district attorney, as
AB945,56,2219 4. The person who will be placed on supervised release has housing
20arrangements that are sufficiently secure to protect the community, and the person
21or agency that is providing the housing to the person who will be placed on supervised
22release agrees in writing to the following conditions:
AB945,56,2323 a. To accept the person who will be placed supervised release.
AB945,56,2424 b. To provide or allow for the level of safety that the court requires.
1c. To immediately report to the court and the department of justice or the
2district attorney, as applicable, any unauthorized absence of the person who will be
3placed on supervised release from the housing arrangement to which the person has
4been assigned.
AB945,57,75 5. The person who will be placed on supervised release will comply with the
6provider's treatment requirements and all of the requirements that are imposed by
7the department and the court.
AB945,57,108 6. The department has made provisions for the necessary services, including
9sex offender treatment, other counseling, medication, community support services,
10residential services, vocational services, and alcohol or other drug abuse treatment.
AB945, s. 111 11Section 111. 980.08 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB945,57,16 12980.08 Supervised release; procedures, implementation, revocation.
13(1) If the court determines under s. 980.07 (7) that supervised release is appropriate,
14the court shall order the county department under s. 51.42 in the county of intended
15placement, whichever is appropriate, to assist the department of health and family
16services in implementing the supervised release placement.
AB945,57,19 17(2) The department shall file with the court any additional rules of supervision
18not inconsistent with the rules or conditions imposed by the court within 10 days of
19imposing the rule.
AB945,57,21 20(3) If the department wishes to change a rule or condition of supervision
21imposed by the court, it must obtain the court's approval.
AB945,58,5 22(4) An order granting supervised release places the person in the care, control,
23and custody of the department. The department shall arrange for the care, control,
24and treatment of the person in the least restrictive manner consistent with the
25requirements of the person and in accordance with the order for supervised release.

1Before a person is actually released under this section, the court shall notify the
2municipal police department and county sheriff for the municipality and county in
3which the person will be residing. The notification requirement under this
4subsection does not apply if a municipal police department or county sheriff submits
5to the court a written statement waiving the right to be notified.
AB945,58,9 6(5) (a) If the department concludes that a person on supervised release, or
7awaiting placement on supervised release, violated or threatened to violate a rule of
8supervised release, it may petition for revocation of the order granting supervised
9release. The department may also detain the person.
AB945,58,1310 (b) If the department concludes that a person on supervised release, or
11awaiting placement on supervised release, is a threat to the safety of others, it shall
12detain the person and petition for revocation of the order granting supervised
AB945,58,2414 (c) If the department concludes that the order granting supervised release
15should be revoked, it shall file a statement alleging the violation and a petition to
16revoke the order for supervised release with the committing court and provide a copy
17of each to the regional office of the state public defender responsible for handling
18cases in the county where the committing court is located. If the department has
19detained the person under par. (a) or (b), the department shall file the statement and
20the petition and provide them to the state public defender within 72 hours after the
21detention, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. The court shall refer
22the matter to the authority for indigency determinations under s. 977.07 (1) and
23appointment of counsel under s. 977.05 (4) (j). The determination of indigency and
24the appointment of counsel shall be done as soon as circumstances permit.
1(d) The court shall hear the petition within 30 days, unless the hearing or time
2deadline is waived. A final decision on the petition to revoke shall be made within
390 days of the filing of the petition. Pending the final revocation hearing, the
4department may detain the person in the county jail or return him or her to
5institutional care.
AB945,59,11 6(6) (a) If the court finds after a hearing, by clear and convincing evidence, that
7any rule has been violated and that the violation of the rule merits the revocation of
8the order granting supervised release, the court may revoke the order for supervised
9release and order that the person be placed in institutional care. The person shall
10remain in institutional care until he or she is discharged from the commitment or
11again placed on supervised release.
AB945,59,1612 (b) If the court finds after a hearing, by clear and convincing evidence, that the
13safety of others requires that supervised release be revoked, the court shall revoke
14the order granting supervised release and order that the person be placed in
15institutional care. The person shall remain in institutional care until he or she is
16discharged from the commitment or again placed on supervised release.
AB945, s. 112 17Section 112. 980.09 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB945,59,19 18980.09 (title) Petition for discharge; procedure with department's
AB945, s. 113 20Section 113. 980.09 (1) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB945, s. 114 21Section 114. 980.09 (1) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 980.09 (1) and
22amended to read:
AB945,60,523 980.09 (1) If the secretary department determines at any time that a person
24committed under this chapter is no longer does not meet the criteria for commitment
a sexually violent person, the secretary department shall authorize the person to

1petition the committing court for discharge. The person department shall file the
2petition with the court and serve a copy upon the department of justice or the district
3attorney's office that filed the petition under s. 980.02 (1), whichever is applicable.
4The court, upon receipt of the petition for discharge, shall order a hearing to be held
5within 45 90 days after the date of receipt of the petition.
AB945, s. 115 6Section 115. 980.09 (1) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 980.09 (2m) and
7amended to read:
AB945,60,148 980.09 (2m) At a hearing under this subsection section, the district attorney
9or the department of justice, whichever filed the original petition, shall represent the
10state and shall have the right to have the petitioner examined by an expert or
11professional person of his, her or its choice. The hearing shall be before the court
12without a jury.
The state has the burden of proving by clear and convincing evidence
13that the petitioner is still currently meets the criteria for commitment as a sexually
14violent person.
AB945, s. 116 15Section 116. 980.09 (1) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 980.09 (3) and
16amended to read:
AB945,60,2217 980.09 (3) If the court is satisfied that the state has not met its burden of proof
18under par. (b) sub. (2m), the petitioner shall be discharged from the custody or
of the department. If the court is satisfied that the state has met its
20burden of proof under par. (b) sub. (2m), the court may proceed under 980.07 (7) (b)
21to (d)
to determine, using the criterion specified in s. 980.08 (4), whether to modify
22the petitioner's existing commitment order by authorizing supervised release.
AB945, s. 117 23Section 117. 980.09 (2) of the statutes is repealed.